Marketing Job Board Content—Detailed Blog Samples
This is a collection of five articles that I wrote for my client, Smart Job Board, and that are published on their blog. These writing portfolio samples are based on a theme of marketing the content on a job board. I wrote these articles for businesses that want to:
Get visitors to their job board postings.
Understand how to analyze people that view job boards.
Build a two-sided marketplace of employees and candidates for a job board website.
Market the content on a job board.
Compete with other businesses with job board content.
You will find links to each published sample below.
Intent of this writing on job board content
The overall intent of this work is to provide organic, inbound content marketing through Smart Job Board publishing my samples, increasing SEO and the likelihood of their website appearing in search.
The other aims of this writing are to:
Help the business get people to their job boards through a step-by-step approach to content marketing.
Show how using Smart Job Board software can save the reader time and effort.
Decrease the hassle and friction of marketing job board content.
Build stronger connections and trust with employers and candidates.
Educate customers on how to market job board content and reduce confusion and ambiguity.
Break down and provide helpful explanations of job board marketing topics.
Links to my published writing on job board marketing
Here are links to my published samples.
Google Analytics For Job Boards: A Beginners Guide
“Here at Smartjobboard we’re helping hundreds of job boards to build their businesses every day. And we’ve learned that many people are struggling with using any kind of data analytics in running their websites.
Indeed, using analytics tools may look intimidating, it requires experience, knowledge, and skill, which many people might not have. At the same time ignoring the data may become your competitive disadvantage since you may miss some important insights it can give you.”
How to Promote Your Job Board Blog Content
“Running a successful job board website relies on one important thing — having enough traffic. Encouraging people to your website is critical to creating a jobs marketplace where employers want to advertise and candidates want to apply.
If you’re looking into creating useful and engaging content, most of your traffic will come from marketing and promoting the content you’re creating for your job board blog.”
Four Ninja Moves To Crack the Chicken and the Egg Conundrum
“A common problem for any new business is attracting enough customers and revenue to stay afloat. This is difficult enough in a “single-sided market” like selling products to consumers. Those issues are only magnified when you need to attract customers to both sides of your business — when one customer supplies services, while the other customer consumes them.
Known as “double-sided markets”, that’s exactly what a job board website is, and solving this conundrum is vital to your success. Although it’s a difficult issue, it’s not impossible to solve.”
Want to Get Your Job Board Website Noticed? Try Content Marketing
“If you want to run a successful job board you need to give potential candidates and recruiters a reason to come to your website. The old cliche of “build it and they will come” doesn’t apply in the online world — just because you have a job board doesn’t mean people will use the job board.
Fortunately, there’s a way to attract employers and applicants to your website so you can start encouraging them to use your job board. It’s called content marketing.”
Stand Out From Your Job Board Competitors By Being Different
“The job board market is extremely competitive. — although it’s dominated by a handful of huge providers like Indeed, Monster, and CareerBuilder, there are thousands of smaller job boards fighting for market share.
Although it appears that it’s very difficult to create a successful job board website, that’s not the case. Succeeding as a job board provider means you need to differentiate yourself — you must provide unique value and content that your competitors don’t. If you can do that, you have a huge advantage.”
More information about these portfolio writing samples
Here’s some more details on these pieces.
Learn about my client, Smart Job Board
I created these samples for my client, Smart Job Board. Find out more about them here.
Freelance writing services for these portfolio samples
I provided this content writing as part of the following services:
Writing expertise and topics for these portfolio samples
This content writing fell into the following topic areas:
Business: Digital Marketing and SEO, Employment and Work
Similar portfolio samples
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All logos and trademarks are used under fair-use guidelines. In all cases, my clients have paid for my work and they have complete ownership and copyright of the writing samples published by them and linked from this website, and no ownership is claimed or implied by me. Links to samples are included as per my freelance writing contract with clients. Linkage from this website is intended to provide my clients with greater SEO ranking through backlinks, and to demonstrate their expertise through my work. All excerpts from samples are placed inside block quote elements to prevent any possible duplicate content penalties. Any statistics mentioned are sourced from SEM Rush in mid-2022. For more information, please see my disclaimer.