Building a Small Business Website—Collected Writing Samples
This is a collection of six guides that I wrote for ITProPortal and that are published on their website. You will find links to each published sample below.
Links to my published writing on building a small business website
Here are links to my published samples.
The foundations of creating a small business website
Understand your customers to build the perfect small business website
What is UX when designing and building websites?
The top tools for building a small business website
Tips for building your first business website
How to host a website
More information about these portfolio writing samples
Here’s some more details on these pieces.
Freelance writing services for these portfolio samples
I provided this content writing as part of the following services:
Writing expertise and topics for these portfolio samples
This content writing fell into the following topic areas:
<delete as applicable>
Business: Customer Relationships and Success, Digital Marketing and SEO
Technology: Cloud Computing and Hosting
Type of writing
My writing for this content was bylined and attributed to me, you can see my profile on ITProPortal’s website here.
Similar portfolio samples
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A white paper for GEODIS about delighting clients and their end customers during a logistics peak season.
Three articles for ITProPortal about understanding cloud storage and how to find a good provider.
Six articles for ITProPortal about how to think about, understand, and build a strong small business website.
An article for ITProPortal about website cookies, the technologies behind them, and how to use them.
An article for ITProPortal exploring what Advanced Mobile Pages are and how to take advantage of them.
A case study for Fastly on how they supported Jimdo in optimizing their web builder for customers.
Four articles for Incfile about searching, researching, creating, and using business names for legal business entities.
Three articles for Extole about email marketing, social media marketing, and brand ambassadors.
An article for Fiverr to help businesses understand why they might want to create a chatbot.
An article for Fiverr about how freelancers can optimize their Fiverr gigs to get more interest and sales.
A support guide about using Power My Analytics technology to accurately report on key website metrics.
Six articles for SaneBox about how to manage email more effectively and become a better communicator.
An ebook for SF AppWorks to help project managers write an effective request for proposal document.
Two articles for SitePoint about creating a freelance portfolio website to attract clients.
Five articles for Smart Job Board about marketing the content on your job boards and earning money from job role adverts.
Five articles for TechRadar Pro about customer relationship management, how it works, and how to implement it.
Six articles for TechRadar Pro about digital marketing basics, channels, strategies, and funnels.
All logos and trademarks are used under fair-use guidelines. In all cases, my clients have paid for my work and they have complete ownership and copyright of the writing samples published by them and linked from this website, and no ownership is claimed or implied by me. Links to samples are included as per my freelance writing contract with clients. Linkage from this website is intended to provide my clients with greater SEO ranking through backlinks, and to demonstrate their expertise through my work. All excerpts from samples are placed inside block quote elements to prevent any possible duplicate content penalties. Any statistics mentioned are sourced from SEM Rush in mid-2022. For more information, please see my disclaimer.