Email Management—Detailed Blog Samples
This is a collection of six articles that I wrote for my client, SaneBox, via the marketing agency WPromote. These writing portfolio samples are based on a theme of email management. I wrote these articles for an audience that wants to:
Better manage their email inbox.
Use email as a more productive communications tool.
Implement best practices for managing email.
Get better responses from others via email.
You will find links to each published sample below.
Intent of this writing on email management
The overall intent of this work is to provide organic, inbound content marketing through SaneBox publishing my samples, increasing SEO and the likelihood of their website appearing in search.
The other aims of this writing are to:
Educate the reader about key SaneBox software features and services.
Break down and provide helpful explanations of how to manage email more effectively.
Help the reader reduce the effort associated with email through a step-by-step approach.
Decrease the hassle and friction of email communications.
Show how email can make people’s lives easier through a few simple habit changes.
Promote better communications through email.
Links to my published writing on email management
Here are links to my published samples.
Two Minutes to Done – A Simple Rule for Being More Productive with Email
“Here at SaneBox, we’re all about helping you be more productive with email. No-one likes opening up their email client and seeing 87 unread emails. But, what if we could show you a way to get through your emails much more quickly so you can focus on other productive work?
Sound good? Thought so. Here’s the SaneBox Scoop on ‘Two minutes to done.’”
Why Batching Your Email Read and Response is the Most Effective Way to Get Things Done
“Do you dream of the day when your email inbox is empty? Do you wish you could be just a little more productive when it comes to email? Does the sight of your “unread email” counter will you with a cold dread? Well, friends, fear not. Here at SaneBox, we’re on a mission to make managing email faster and more effective.
We’ve already talked about better email subject lines and the “two minutes to done” rule. Today we’re going to add another tool to your email-slaying toolset — the science of batching and improving your response time to email.”
The Art of the Effective Email Subject Line
“We’ve all seen email subject line horror — “Fw: Fw: Fw: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Requesting Information.” In fact, you might even have been guilty of it yourself. In our ongoing quest to make email more productive, we’re here to help. When it comes to email subject lines, there’s a better way. Here’s the SaneBox Scoop on writing much better email subject lines.”
Email Reply Templates to Save You Time at Work
“Do you love sending email? Do you adore spending time writing out very similar messages time and time again? No, neither do we. Here at SaneBox, we’re all about making email more efficient and effective. Together with our friends over at, we believe there’s one big change you can make right now that will save you tons of time, effort, and finger-fatigue — business email templates.”
What Are the Best Email Clients?
“When your mission is to make email as efficient, productive, and fun as it can be, there’s one question you get asked — a lot. What is the best email client? Here at SaneBox, it’s a question we take pretty seriously. Although we provide an awesome suite of products designed to make you an email ninja (Judo Chop!), we know that the email client you choose has a huge impact on your email productivity and happiness.
That’s why we completed an independent review of over 20 email clients across four operating systems — all designed to give you the information you need to choose the perfect one. ”
The Gentle Art of the Out of Office Reply
“We see them almost every week — the out of office email reply from a colleague or contact that helps us think of our next vacation, sipping mojitos in the Maldives! The out of office reply is so ubiquitous, you probably haven’t thought about yours much since you set yours up. True, every time you go on vacation you change the dates in the notification, and from time to time you adjust the wording slightly. But, with a little extra effort, you could do more. Here’s the SaneBox Scoop on making your out of office just a little bit better.”
More information about these portfolio writing samples
Here’s some more details on these pieces.
Learn about my client, SaneBox
I created these samples for my client, SaneBox. Find out more about them here.
Freelance writing services for these portfolio samples
I provided this content writing as part of the following services:
Writing expertise and topics for these portfolio samples
This content writing fell into the following topic areas:
Business: Customer Relationships and Success
Technology: Automation and Integration, Software as a Service.
Type of writing
My writing for this content was provided via a marketing agency, Wpromote.
Similar portfolio samples
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All logos and trademarks are used under fair-use guidelines. In all cases, my clients have paid for my work and they have complete ownership and copyright of the writing samples published by them and linked from this website, and no ownership is claimed or implied by me. Links to samples are included as per my freelance writing contract with clients. Linkage from this website is intended to provide my clients with greater SEO ranking through backlinks, and to demonstrate their expertise through my work. All excerpts from samples are placed inside block quote elements to prevent any possible duplicate content penalties. Any statistics mentioned are sourced from SEM Rush in mid-2022. For more information, please see my disclaimer.