Guides for freelancers

Helping freelancers to work effectively, create beautiful content, be successful, and build trust

I’ve been running a freelance business since 2006—originally in the UK, and now in the US. I work full-time as a professional freelance writer focusing on business, finance, and technology. I know a little bit about being a successful freelancer, and I want to share that knowledge with you.

I’ve written these guides to help new and experienced freelancers who want to work effectively, create beautiful content, be successful, and build trust. I’ve based these freelance guides on my own questions, research, and experiences. I’m a productivity geek, which means I’m always looking for ways to do things better. The stuff I write here is a combination of my curiosity, learning, and desire to help others.

Each guide contains my distilled knowledge about the subject, combined with independent research and learning from some of the best minds in the freelance world. I’ve also interspersed each guide with my personal take and examples of how I’ve applied that learning.

I certainly don’t know everything, and my way isn’t necessarily the right way! Although I’ve refined the freelance techniques you’ll read about here, there’s always room for improvement. I hope you’ll see these guides as a starting point and build upon them, based on your unique needs, insight, expertise, and experience.