Small Business Accounting—Detailed Writing Samples
This is a collection of five guides that I wrote for Revenued and that are published on their resource center. These writing portfolio samples are based on a theme of small business bookkeeping and accounting. I wrote these guides for businesses that want to:
Get on top of their accounting.
Save on office costs and cut business expenses.
Understand the cash flow statement and forecast cash flow.
You will find links to each published sample below.
Intent of this writing on accounting for small businesses
The overall intent of this work is to build trust with Revenued’s customers through sharing helpful, useful information.
The other aims of this writing are to:
Provide useful information on how business accounting and expenses work.
Break down and provide helpful explanations of complex bookkeeping and accounting topics.
Help the reader reduce their expenses through a step-by-step approach.
Reduce tax burdens through understanding expenses.
Decrease the hassle, friction, and effort of small business bookkeeping.
Remove confusion and ambiguity associated with cash flow and financial statements.
Share insight and expertise around small business accounting.
Mitigate risks associated with accounting and taxes.
Maximize workforce productivity and reduce employee effort associated with accounting and bookkeeping.
Links to my published writing on small business bookkeeping and accounting
Here are links to my published samples.
How to Rock Business Accounting
“Good accounting and financial management are at the heart of any successful business. When you can understand how much money is coming into and going out of your company, you can make better decisions about cash flow, profit margins, budgeting and much more.
The problem is, to many business owners, accounting can seem like a complete mystery. With terms like accounts receivable, reconciliation, depreciation, balance sheets and more, it’s no wonder you might find the whole idea daunting.”
The Cash Flow Statement
“Staying on top of your cash flow is a crucial part of running a successful business, and there are several different important financial reports that can help you out. Chief among those are balance sheets, profit and loss analysis, budgets and cash flow statements.
It’s this last report — the cash flow statement — that we’re going to dive into here. We’ll explore what it is, what it does, why it matters and how to prepare one. Used properly, the cash flow statement can give you insight into your business’s financial performance. It provides the information and reassurance that financial institutions, suppliers, investors, employees and others need that your business is healthy and has the money on hand to meets its commitments.”
Forecasting Your Cash Flow
“Business is never static. While it’s vital to scale and grow your business for success, this needs to be done in a sustainable, responsible way. Grow too fast and you won’t have the resources to support your ambitions; grow too slow and you might get left behind by competitors.
One way to plan for the future properly is through forecasting. This lets you understand how future trends are likely to impact your business and ensures you’ll have the cash flow to thrive.”
Cut Business Expenses
“There are a couple of good ways to increase profits and cash in your business: increasing prices or cutting costs. Here, let’s dig into how to reduce your expenses.
Note that this isn’t a “one and done” process. Keeping costs down should be an ongoing effort, as there will always be ways to optimize what you do, manage your budget and pay less for services and supplies. Sometimes you’re reducing costs to increase profit margins; sometimes you need to do it to survive. Whatever your desired outcome, we’re here to help.”
Save on Office Rent, Utilities, and Other Essential Costs
“Next to salaries and raw material costs, the biggest expenses in your business are likely to be office rental and utility bills. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to reduce these costs and improve the profit margins in your organization. You need to take this into account now — the earlier you think about reducing these costs, the bigger the long-term benefits to your business.
Here’s our step-by-step guide to keeping your office-related costs down as much as possible.”
More information about these portfolio writing samples
Here’s some more details on these pieces.
Learn about my client, Revenued
I created these samples for my client, Revenued. Find out more about them here.
Freelance writing services for these portfolio samples
I provided this content writing as part of the following services:
Writing expertise and topics for these portfolio samples
This content writing fell into the following topic areas:
<delete as applicable>
Finance: Accounting and Taxes, Financial Management
Type of writing
My writing for this content was provided via a marketing agency, First Page Strategy.
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