eCommerce Payments—Collected Writing Samples
This is a collection of five articles that I wrote for Modo and that are published on their blog. You will find links to each published sample below.
Links to my published writing on eCommerce payments
Here are links to my published samples.
Delight Online Customers with a Great Payment Experience
“Getting the customer journey and experience right is central to developing trusting relationships with your consumers. Many businesses focus on areas like website copy, product descriptions, how your visitor moves through an eCommerce store, and customer communications—while all these factors are important, there’s another that’s often overlooked: The payment experience.
The payment experience is one of the last interactions that your customer will have with your eCommerce website. Get the payment experience right, and they’ll leave knowing they’ve made a good purchase. Get it wrong, and they will likely leave before completing the transaction, sending them into the arms of a competitor.”
How Payments Visibility Can Transform eCommerce Revenue
“There’s a secret horde of powerful information buried deep within your eCommerce payment systems. Go prospecting for these nuggets and you could unearth riches that drive up revenue for your online products and services, reduce rejections and chargebacks, and result in a much better experience for your customers. We’re talking about payments visibility.
If you enjoy digging into all the reporting behind your electronic payment methods, you probably have a good idea of the power of payments visibility. For everyone else, we’re going to give you a hardhat, a flashlight, and a guiding hand to show you how this vital insight can strengthen your eCommerce business.”
7 Ways to Stop Online Payment Fraud and Chargebacks
“Payment fraud is a huge issue for online merchants. In the race between the growth of eCommerce sales and the growth of eCommerce fraud—the criminals are pulling into the lead. If you want to succeed and thrive in the world of online sales, fraud prevention should be a focal point of your sales and payment strategy.
The question is, just where do you start? With so many areas to think about, how do you find the right payment solution to help keep fraud to a minimum and reduce the sting of chargebacks? Fear not. We’ll be your security guards as you navigate the minefield of payment fraud.”
eCommerce Payment Trends You Need to Know
“Seismic shifts are happening in the online payment processing industry. A massive growth in eCommerce combined with a widening online payments market and ubiquitous access to mobile devices is revolutionizing how customers spend their hard-earned money.
As an eCom merchant, if you want to surf this wave, you need to be prepared. Let’s explore some current stats and trends together, and help you keep your balance as you navigate these ever-changing waters.”
Demystifying eCommerce Payment Systems
“The world of eCommerce payment systems can seem a little arcane and strange to the uninitiated, and that’s something we’re here to change. We believe that every eCommerce business needs to understand how electronic payments work, so you can meet customer needs when it comes to paying for products or services. Get the right ePayment system in place and you’ll make things fast, easy, and convenient for your buyers—and that’s good for everyone.”
More information about these portfolio writing samples
Here’s some more details on these pieces.
Freelance writing services for these portfolio samples
I provided this content writing as part of the following services:
Writing expertise and topics for these portfolio samples
This content writing fell into the following topic areas:
Finance: Financial Management, Payments and Invoicing.
Type of writing
My writing for this content was provided via a marketing agency, CSTMR.
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