Supply Chain CSR & Sustainability—Detailed Blog Samples
This is a collection of five articles that I wrote for my client, Topo, and that are published on their blog. These writing portfolio samples are based on a theme of corporate social responsibility (CSR), CO2 reduction, and sustainability within the supply chain. I wrote these articles for businesses that want to:
Review key frameworks and compliance requirements around carbon emissions and sustainability.
Research how logistics, manufacturing, and other companies can take steps to reduce waste and emissions.
Manage major trends within supply chain sustainability and the circular economy.
Understand green technologies and environmental impacts within the supply chain.
You will find links to each published sample below.
Intent of this writing on CSR and sustainability within the supply chain
The overall intent of this work is to show Topo’s understanding and thought leadership about CSR, emissions, and other sustainability topics within the supply chain.
The other aims of this writing are to:
Break down and provide helpful explanations of complex supply chain sustainability topics.
Decrease the hassle and friction of adhering to supply chain CSR frameworks.
Share insight and expertise around green technologies and the supply chain.
Drive better business intelligence and decision-making within international supply chains.
Become a better leader and build a stronger reputation in the fields of CSR.
Promote ethical standards through sustainability.
Comply with regulatory frameworks as a result of using the Topo platform.
Mitigate risks associated with emissions and environmental impacts.
Links to my published writing on supply chain sustainability
Here are links to my published samples.
Major Trends in Supply Chain Sustainability This Year
“Consumers want environmental transparency, authenticity, and honesty from companies and their leaders. Governments want proper accountability and are enforcing it through regulations that limit waste, emissions, and other damaging factors.
Many supply chain businesses are responding positively. Companies are backing their employees by putting even more emphasis on health, safety, and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Leaders are investing in green technology to support lower-impact supply chains. Organizations are going beyond carbon neutral commitments, with promises to reduce net carbon below zero.”
Environmental Impact, Green Tech, and the Supply Chain
“We’re feeling the impact of climate change around the globe. From wildfires in Australia, the US, and South America, to flooding in Europe and China, changing weather patterns are upending communities and destroying lives. The supply chain is partly to blame—extraction, manufacturing, transport, distribution, and other supply chain functions all have a significant global impact.
The difficulty that international supply chains are a backbone to the global economy—how do we balance this vital growth engine with the need to reduce carbon emissions and weather catastrophes? We believe part of the solution is through using green technology in the supply chain. These technologies can help to reduce the burning of fossil fuels, protect vulnerable environments, save energy, and limit pollution.”
Reducing Carbon Emissions for a Sustainable Supply Chain
“Climate change is an existential threat to our way of life, with carbon dioxide emissions being the biggest contributor to a warming planet. Global supply chains produce large amounts of carbon—from CO2 created during manufacturing, through fossil fuels burned in transportation, to emissions from storage and distribution.
Governments and major corporations are taking notice. We’re seeing an increasing focus on legislation and enforcement, and major commitments from industry leaders to significantly reduce greenhouse gasses. Consumers are paying attention too. Activists are highlighting businesses and sectors contributing to climate change and encouraging consumers to boycott the worst offenders—customers are figuring environmental impact into their purchasing decisions.”
Flexible Packaging, the Circular Economy, and Supply Chain Sustainability
“Consumers are becoming much more aware of the impact of the supply chain. One area of concern is the long-term delays and availability issues driven by pandemic-related global challenges. Another is the environmental and social costs of the supply chain, including CO2 emissions, community displacement, pollution, and one-use packaging.
Although the supply chain industry is innovating across many of these areas, it’s in this last section, packaging, that we’re seeing some very promising changes. The combination of the “circular economy” with flexible packaging is encouraging supply chain companies to embrace new technologies that reduce their environmental impact.”
Packaging Trends in Sustainable Supply Chains
“Consumers are paying much more attention to the environmental impact of what they buy, and they’re voting with their wallets. As “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” becomes increasingly important, manufacturers, retailers, and other brands must move towards sustainable options. Environmentally-responsible sourcing, manufacturing, and logistics are essential, but increasingly, consumers and governments are focusing on packaging waste.
There are plenty of reasons to reduce packaging in the supply chain—adapting to consumer concerns, meeting legal requirements, following industry leaders, and preserving margins.”
More information about these portfolio writing samples
Here’s some more details on these pieces.
Learn about my client, Topo
I created these samples for my client, Topo. Find out more about them here.
Freelance writing services for these portfolio samples
I provided this content writing as part of the following services:
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Writing expertise and topics for these portfolio samples
This content writing fell into the following topic areas:
Business: Risk and Compliance, Supply Chain and Logistics
Type of writing
My writing for this content was ghostwritten.
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