Artificial Intelligence in the Supply Chain—Collected Writing Samples

This is a collection of four articles that I wrote for Blume Global and that are published in their learning center. You will find links to each published sample below.

Links to my published writing on supply chain artificial intelligence and machine learning

Here are links to my published samples.

How Artificial Intelligence Improves the Supply Chain

Typically, AI uses human reasoning as a model for decision making, with a goal of providing better insights, products, services or efficiencies. There are several subfields of AI including machine learning, natural language processing, planning, problem solving and robotics.

Artificial intelligence has several applications in the supply chain, including extracting information, data analysis, supply and demand planning, autonomous vehicles and warehouse management.
— How Artificial Intelligence Improves the Supply Chain, Blume Global

How Machine Learning Optimizes the Supply Chain

Machine learning typically uses observations or data to train a computer model. Patterns in the data, combined with predicted and actual outcomes are analyzed through machine learning and used to improve how the technology functions. This cycle repeats, further refining the technology as it’s exposed to more information.

Machine learning has several applications in the supply chain, including data analysis, supply chain optimization, cost reduction, planning and forecasting.
— How Machine Learning Optimizes the Supply Chain, Blume Global

How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming the Retail Supply Chain

Artificial intelligence is making a huge difference for retail supply chain optimization, as there’s a greater need for fast delivery to shops and end customers, and an increasing focus on tight inventory control. AI helps retailers understand exactly how their supply chain is operating, make improvements throughout and eliminate waste and overhead. In this article, we’ll explore some of the trends in AI for the retail supply chain.
— How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming the Retail Supply Chain, Blume Global

An Introduction to Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics for Supply Chain Optimization

For supply chain management, descriptive analytics is a useful way to look at the past and optimize supply chain operations. However, it’s the relatively new fields of predictive and prescriptive analytics that can unlock real value in the supply chain.

These types of analytics help analyze, model, predict and prepare for future changes in the supply chain. Those insights become part of continual improvement initiatives that reduce waste, streamline processes and minimize costs. Predictive and prescriptive analytics are an important part of artificial intelligence and machine learning implementation in the supply chain.
— An Introduction to Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics for Supply Chain Optimization, Blume Global

More information about these portfolio writing samples

Here’s some more details on these pieces.

Freelance writing services for these portfolio samples

I provided this content writing as part of the following services:

Writing expertise and topics for these portfolio samples

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Type of writing

My writing for this content was unattributed.

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By Paul Maplesden


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